Determination of active ingredients in matrine aqueous solutions by mid-infrared spectroscopy and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling

Sep 11, 2015ยท
Guo Tang
Jing Hu
Hong Yan
Hong Yan
Yuquan Zhao
Yanmei Xiong
Yanmei Xiong
Shungeng Min
Shungeng Min
ยท 1 min read


In this paper, we use MIR and variable selection techniques to determine the active ingredients of matrine aqueous solutions. Competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) was engaged to investigate effective variables and compared with full-spectrum partial least squares (PLS) regression. Results indicate that MIR is very efficient in aqueous solutions quantitative determination. In the meantime, CARS is proved to be an effective variable selection approach to eliminate spectral redundancy.




Journal Articles